My confession;I have just visited your blog for the first time today and boy am impressed. You have a sharp pen my bro. Mrs Chirwa will be proud wherever she is. To imagine that I used to get better grades in English than you flatters me. Maybe your case explains what I have always argued for;specialisation. Alfred Chalira
I am a Malawian of youthful years with a postgraduate understanding of Marketing.
I’m on the lower-left of the political spectrum, but I’m often tempted by those on the lower-right.
They’ve got this beautiful capitalist theory where the people who do work get paid and society automatically adjust things for the greater good, and everyone lives happily ever after.
My problem is that it doesn’t work: capitalism gives cash to those who exploit the system, pays people for different tasks than those I consider good, and assumes people are intrinsically bad and need to be corrected.
Nice, I really like it. Keep it up. Ken
My confession;I have just visited your blog for the first time today and boy am impressed. You have a sharp pen my bro. Mrs Chirwa will be proud wherever she is. To imagine that I used to get better grades in English than you flatters me. Maybe your case explains what I have always argued for;specialisation. Alfred Chalira
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