Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Firstly I am thanking His Excellency the state president through the ministry of statutory corporations for considering and entrusting me with a responsibility to manage the images and aspirations of Malawians through visual footages at Television Malawi. What His Excellency the state president has done in this regard has changed the sad verses and chapters of our history where young people’s contribution to their country was to beat their elders and break their knees into numbness. It is the rarest of administrative phenomena- a collective change of hearts towards the youth of this country and I will for ever cherish the pleasure to take more responsibilities government may wish to assign me.

I also wish to add that I am just one of the many citizens of youthful years both in Malawi and outside looking forward to cut their teeth and try their trade in public service in a fashion that proves to the world that the love of our country beckons us, that the things that matters aught to be worked for and that with a bit of mindset change, a bright and prosperous future cannot be found across distant hills but rather within the corridors of our self courage ,confidence and determination.

As I leave MBC, to head TVM my approach will be to pursue and work on a high quality, distinctively Malawian program which reinforces both the degree of audience engagement with Malawian content and the TVM’s role in producing it. These I believe are the broadcasting measures designed to build a better sense of public ownership of the TVM.

I believe that our country has gone through an impressive economic turnaround and that the media in particular Television can transform people’s lives and participate effectively in the development of the country. I see Television as an important tool to reach out to the masses and to promote a positive sense of Malawian ness.
I also see the media as effective partners in reducing poverty and that media houses such as TVM should actively be taking part in developmental issues. My job at TVM will not be to be the boss of these virtues but nurture talent that can deliver them. I believe there is talent out there in particular the print media where brave sons and daughters of this nation have risen above their qualifications to claim awards of international repute as has been the case with our State President.

I am also aware of the world focus now zeroing in on this country economic successes and predictions not least expectations the world at large has on Malawi. With the presence of satellite, our program content has to match that and create a sense of Malawi we can all be proud of, where talent can be groomed and given room to rise. At each and every stage, we will be seeking the views and advice about the sort of TVM we all want to build. And when that happens, I will be the happiest Malawian on planet earth.

Your messages of good will are in order.